
Nootropics For Socializing

Nootropics For Socializing

Nootropics are used for a lot of different reasons. Normally when we think about using smart drugs, we often think about increasing focus and motivation. But they can be used for a lot more than just studying for exams and pulling all-nighters. One of the things nootropics can be used for is to make socializing easier.

In this post, we’re going to look at some nootropics for socializing. These are nootropics that can help to make you feel more comfortable in social situations, increase conversational flow, and improve your social interactions overall. Most people can benefit from the nootropics we discuss in this post.

Before we get to some nootropics for socializing, let’s take a quick look at what drives social interaction.

What Is Socializing?

Socializing can simply be defined as interacting with one or more other people. No matter how much we may dislike it, no matter how hard we may try to avoid it, socializing is a necessary part of being human. We all need to rely on others for at least some things and socializing with them is how get those needs met.

Being social comes naturally to some people while to others it can be incredibly difficult. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung came up with the ideas of introversion and extroversion to help explain this.

Introverts (like myself) find social interaction to be draining and sometimes difficult. But this doesn’t mean that us introverts don’t like to be social. I love spending time with family and friends, going out on the town, meeting new people, and just being social in general. However, I also require a lot of alone time. If I spend too much time being around others, I start getting frustrated and exhausted.

Extroverts, on the other hand, find that social interaction energizes them. While many extroverts are okay being alone for short periods of time, too much isolation makes them feel frustrated and anxious. When they are out in public, extroverts are in their element.


Extroversion/introversion is a spectrum and most people tend to find themselves close to the middle. Most people are either slightly introverted or slightly extroverted. Some people, however, are really introverted or extroverted. I’m sure you’ve met several or may even be like that yourself. These are the people who are always the life of the party, never alone. Or on the other side of the spectrum, the ones who rarely leave home and do almost everything by themselves. Odds are you find yourself somewhere in the middle.

Whether you’re a hardcore introvert, a super extrovert, or somewhere in the middle, there are nootropics that can help you in social situations. Being social is necessary to form friendships and relationships, in business, in school, and in most other areas of life. Now, here are some nootropics for socializing.

Nootropics For Socializing

L-Theanine (with or without caffeine)

L-theanine is an amino acid analog that is commonly found in green tea. It’s incredibly popular in the nootropics community for its ability to decrease anxiety without causing sedation. While l-theanine can be taken on its own, a lot of people like to take it with caffeine. L-theanine significantly reduces the side effects of caffeine like anxiety, jitters, and the inevitable crash that comes a few hours after consumption.

A lot of l-theanine users report that it helps them to feel more relaxed in social situations. And unlike prescription anxiolytics (anxiety-reducing drugs), l-theanine does it without making the user feel sleepy and ā€œout of it.ā€ People often report that l-theanine makes them feel more comfortable in social situations, that conversations flow more smoothly, and that they’re able to express themselves easier.

L-theanine works great on its own. However, when taken with caffeine, the two substances together have a synergistic effect. It’s no secret that caffeine can energize you and make you feel more outgoing. But it can also cause anxiety. When taken together, l-theanine and caffeine cancel out the anxiety and overstimulation that caffeine can cause. Studies have also shown that this combination improves working memory, reaction time, and verbal accuracy.


People all over the world have used this adaptogenic plant for centuries. In recent years, nootropic users have been taking ashwagandha to reduce anxiety and to improve overall cognitive performance. A number of these users report that this medicinal plant helps them to socialize.

Ashwagandha is known to reduce cortisol, also known as “the stress hormone.” When we are in stressful situations, including stressful social situations, our bodies produce a lot more of this hormone. Increased cortisol can have a negative effect on our social interactions. Ashwagandha works to keep cortisol levels in check, making you feel more comfortable when socializing. You can feel the effects of ashwagandha after just one dose. However, it works best when taken daily for several weeks. You can learn more about this fascinating plant here: The Many Benefits of Ashwagandha.


These next two substances on our list of nootropics for socializing are both racetams. The racetams are a group of nootropics that are all structurally similar to each other. Many of them have focus-enhancing properties, but only two have the science and anecdotal evidence to support their use in social situations. The first of these is aniracetam.

Users report that they feel more comfortable in social situations, have an easier time finding the right words to say, and experience less social anxiety. Although human studies on aniracetam are limited to Russia and Europe where it’s prescribed, numerous animal studies in English have been published. These studies confirm the anecdotal reports that aniracetam can improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Aniracetam effectively stands alone but users often stack it with other racetams and/or a choline source like CDP-choline.


This is another nootropic in the racetam family. Similar to aniracetam, fasoracetam is utilized for its anxiety-reducing effects. Many users report that it helps them to socialize better.

Fasoracetam hasn’t been studied nearly as much as some of the other racetams. However, numerous reports cite its use as a social enhancer. And fasoracetam made it to phase three of a clinical trial in the United States, which means it passed the rigorous safety standards of phase two.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola, the last substance on our socializing nootropics list, is another adaptogenic plant with centuries of use in traditional medicine. Countless anecdotal reports support its use for improving socializing, backed by substantial scientific evidence.

A review from 2011 that looked at eleven previously-published studied about rhodiola. The review found that rhodiola can improve both physical performance as well as mental performance. One of the aspects of mental performance that it can improve is socializing. Rhodiola users often report that they feel better in social situations and have an easier time being themselves.

Rhodiola’s full effects may take several weeks to become noticeable. It’s commonly taken alone but also complements most other nootropics well.


Social situations can be challenging sometimes, especially for those of us who are introverts. Fortunately, there are several nootropics that can help us to feel more comfortable when interacting with others. All the substances on our list of socializing nootropics have extensive histories of social use.

To learn about other nootropics that can help to increase focus, improve mood, and reduce anxiety, sign up for the newsletter. You’ll get the free PDF The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.

Also read our blog on Cacao

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