
Trace Minerals Supplements (& Avoid These 2)

11 Best Trace Minerals Supplements (& Avoid These 2)

Magnesium deficiency is about the same.

The human body is mostly made up of amino acids and minerals.

Weā€™ve all heard of electrolytes, and some of the other major ā€œmacromineralsā€. And vitamins are some of the most popular of all dietary supplements.

Minerals act like tools that allow vitamins to work effectively. Vitamins donā€™t work without minerals.

When vitamins donā€™t work well, bad things result. For example, kids born with iodine deficiency have an average IQ 20 points below their peers.

Clearly, minerals matter. And hereā€™s the worst partā€¦

Due to conventional farming practices, declining crop nutrient density, and accelerating depletion rate, humans can no longer rely on diet alone to consume adequate trace minerals or even macro minerals.

Using quality trace mineral supplements has never been more essential to your health and performance.

Almost every single human will notice dramatic differences when fully loaded with minerals.

But not all products are equal.

So in this post, weā€™re exploring the best trace mineral supplements for your unique goals and lifestyle. Weā€™ll discuss the profound health impacts of trace minerals, the scientific benefits of consuming ample, and everything you should know before getting started.

What are Trace Minerals?

Minerals are naturally occurring substances found in rocks, soil, minerals, and water. Plants absorb these minerals as they grow, and then humans either directly consume the plants or the animals that ate the plants. The body cannot synthesize minerals so we must consume them through our diet. Minerals are categorized into two groups: macrominerals (major) and trace minerals (minor). Although the body requires major minerals, such as calcium and potassium, in larger quantities, that doesnā€™t make trace minerals any less important.

The human body requires both types of minerals to function.

Below, Iā€™ve listed some examples of each class of minerals and a few of the many roles they play throughout the body.

Macro Minerals:

  1. Calcium ā€” helps strengthen bones and teeth, muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting.
  2. Magnesium ā€” involved in thousands of enzymatic reactions, supports energy production, maintains normal muscle and nerve function, and helps regulate blood pressure.
  3. Potassium ā€” key to proper muscle and nerve function, helps maintain fluid balance, and supports heart health.
  4. Sodium ā€” helps maintain fluid balance, supports nerve function and muscle contractions, and plays a role in blood pressure regulation.
  5. Iron ā€” essential to produce hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. It also supports energy metabolism.
  6. Phosphorus ā€” aids the formation of bones and teeth, as well as energy metabolism and DNA synthesis.
  7. Sulfur ā€” required for the structure and function of proteins, as well as the synthesis of certain amino acids, and enzymes, and to provide antioxidant support.

Since we need such large quantities, manufacturers often fortify modern foods with vitamins and minerals.

Yet trace minerals play equally important roles.

Trace Minerals:

  1. Selenium ā€” acts as a powerful antioxidant, supports immune function, and plays roles in hormone metabolism.
  2. Iodine ā€” vital for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, growth, and development. It also protects against radiation.
  3. Zinc ā€” has become known for immune regulation, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
  4. Chromium ā€” helps regulate blood sugar levels by enhancing insulinā€™s effects, itā€™s a glucose disposal agent (GDA) that improves metabolism, gets rapidly depleted through exercise or sweat, and we only absorb about 1% through the diet or supplements.
  5. Copper ā€” key to the formation of connective tissues, energy production, iron metabolism, and antioxidant defense.
  6. Manganese ā€” assists the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol. It also plays a role in bone formation and antioxidant defense.
  7. Cobalt ā€” a component of vitamin B12, which is crucial for red blood cell production and neurological function.
  8. Molybdenum ā€” acts as a cofactor for several enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism and detoxification processes (of sulfites).
  9. Nickel ā€” appears to play a role in certain enzymatic reactions, but its role in human health is not yet well understood.
  10. Vanadium ā€” may have a role in regulating blood sugar and enhancing insulin sensitivity.
  11. Silicon ā€” helps form and maintain connective tissues, like bones, skin, and hair.
  12. Boron ā€” thought to play a role in bone health, brain function, and the metabolism of calcium and magnesium.
  13. Lithium ā€” occurs naturally and promotes mental health, relaxation, mood, and longevity.

These are just a few of the 70+ trace minerals. Many of us live our daily lives deficient in multiple macro minerals, and even more trace minerals.

What you might not know, however, are the wide-ranging effects and symptoms of trace mineral deficiency.

Trace Mineral Deficiency Drives Disease (Symptoms)

How big of an issue is mineral deficiency?

1 out of 3 people in the United States has at least 10 minerals in which they are deficient. ā€“ Dr. James DiNicolantonio

And many other countries face even worse.

Some of the countless symptoms of mineral deficiency include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Brittle nails
  • Weak and brittle bones
  • Muscle cramps or spasms
  • Constipation
  • Numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes
  • Poor dental health
  • Osteoporosis
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Mood swings and anxiety
  • Weakened immunity
  • Slow wound healing
  • Hair loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Skin rashes
  • Anemia
  • Frequent infections
  • Impaired growth and development
  • Skeletal abnormalities
  • Reduced fertility
  • Altered glucose metabolism (insulin resistance)
  • Increased sulfite sensitivity
  • Abnormal uric acid levels

Hereā€™s the thingā€¦

Your annual physical will only come back problematic after years (even decades) of mineral deficiencies. Routine blood panels test the mineral content of the blood.

Yet the body requires very precise and stable mineral levels to function.

So, it strips minerals from the bones, organs, and other systems to keep blood levels stable. Your test results may come back in the normal range, while your body is actually becoming mineral depleted.

By the time blood labs show issues, you have a major problem.

Why does this happen?

The Many Causes of Trace Mineral Deficiency

If youā€™re anything like me, you might wonderā€¦

Why canā€™t I just get trace minerals through my diet like humans always have done?

As youā€™re about to find out, for a ton of reasons. Basically, our mineral needs have increased and our dietary consumption has plummeted.

Some of the key factors driving mineral and trace mineral deficiency include:

  1. Wrong foods ā€” weā€™re eating fewer foods that are naturally mineral-rich.
  2. Soil ā€” modern agricultural practices kill the soil and rely on NPK fertilizer, making produce look great but completely lacking minerals.
  3. Absorption ā€” some medical conditions (celiac disease or Crohnā€™s disease) impair the absorption of trace minerals through the digestive tract.
  4. Lifestyle ā€” certain life stages, like sports, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, increase the need for trace minerals.
  5. Medical ā€” some medications or medical treatments interfere with the absorption (or utilization) of trace minerals.
  6. Alcoholism ā€” alcohol consumption interferes with the absorption and metabolism of multiple trace minerals.
  7. Caffeine ā€” as a diuretic, caffeine increases the excretion of minerals.
  8. Anti-Nutrients ā€” phytates, oxalates, tannins, and other ā€œanti-nutrientā€ compounds bind to minerals in the digestive tract, reducing their bioavailability and absorption.
  9. Stomach Acid ā€” some medications, lifestyle, and even overconsumption of water can interfere with healthy stomach acidity which reduces the absorption of certain minerals.
  10. Cooking ā€” the process of cooking actively denatures/degrades minerals, and depending on the cooking method, can leach them out of the food into water (which cooks often discard).

Expect these causes to become well-known and generally accepted within the next decade or so.

Minerals just arenā€™t well understood yet.

Even Weston A. Price, among the most famous nutritionists known for discovering the importance of certain vitamins, didnā€™t know much about minerals. He never got around to researching them.

If he had, weā€™d know a whole lot more about them today.

Luckily, we can turn to some modern research to understand the health, well-being, & performance benefits of supplementing with trace minerals.

Health & Wellness Benefits of Trace Minerals

Trace minerals govern overall health and optimal body functions. They contribute to many thousands of essential processes required to maintain health. Theyā€™re also the bodyā€™s first antioxidant shield.

Trace minerals act as cofactors for enzymes in the body. These enzymes rely on specific trace minerals to carry out their functions effectively. For instance, zinc plays a critical role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions involved in metabolism and immune function. Magnesium activates 3150 proteins in the body and plays roles in 800 enzymatic pathways.

They also have a significant impact on immune system function. Selenium acts as a potent antioxidant and supports immune defenses by protecting against cellular damage caused by harmful free radicals. Copper aids in immune response and defends against bacterial infections. Zinc helps against viruses.

These micronutrients are also vital for growth and development. Iodine is required to synthesize thyroid hormone (regulates the metabolism and brain development). Producing hemoglobinā€”a protein responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the bodyā€”requires iron.

Some of the many benefits of trace mineral supplementation include [R, R, R]:
  • Enhances nutrient absorption
  • Improves immunity
  • Increased energy levels
  • Optimizes cellular function
  • Aids joint health
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Regulates hormone production
  • Improves digestion
  • Strengthens hair, skin, and nails
  • Supports eyesight
  • Maintains proper electrolyte balance
  • Promotion of ideal blood pressure
  • Enhances detoxification processes
  • Supports reproductive health
  • Protects against certain chronic diseases (diabetes and arthritis)
  • Supports healthy bones and teeth
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Maintains healthy thyroid function
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Accelerates wound healing
  • Antioxidant protection against oxidative stress
  • Supports brain health and cognitive function

Mineral deficiency can even create hunger.

Then we have fulvic and humic acids. These substances are widely considered natureā€™s most powerful electrolytes. They amplify your absorption and ability to uptake everything else you consume into cells. These special compounds also donate electrons, making them work like antioxidants and also as cellular detoxification super nutrients.

To maximize your benefits, youā€™ll want to see fulvic and/or humic acid on the labels of your chosen product.

The Best Trace Minerals Supplements & Liquids

Search the web for ā€œthe best trace mineral supplementsā€, and youā€™ll find a shocking lack of information.

Including, a very narrow list of products.

Whether a trace minerals liquid or capsules, youā€™ll want to choose carefully. Many of the ā€œtop productsā€ have issues with abnormally high levels of heavy metals and other toxicants.

Trace Mineral Supplements I Avoid

Trace minerals are an emerging category of supplements.

The more depleted we become, the faster this sector will grow. Compared to many categories, right now we have relatively few options for vendors.

For different reasons as youā€™ll learn below, I recommend you avoid certain products.

ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops

By far and away, ConcenTrace has dominated as the worldā€™s number one best trace minerals supplement. They were among the first to start selling, and are the usual recommendation of health practitioners. I also used them for about five years. More recently, however, their quality control has severely plummeted. So much so that they were sued (and lost the case) in California due to dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals. Third-party tests also confirm the same thing. The company also secretly changed its formula several years back (likely to cut costs). If you sort user reviews by date, youā€™ll notice a ton of 1 stars. People often complain of very serious symptoms. What was once a great product that I used daily is no longer something I would touch.

Ultimate Living Ionic Trace Minerals

I wanted to like this product, but several factors concern me about its quality. First, and most importantly, there is very little information regarding it. Nor are there any real user reviews. Itā€™s also called an ionic ā€œtrace mineralsā€ supplement, yet there are more macrominerals than trace minerals. Ultimate Living Ionic Trace Minerals is also not lab-tested. There are much better, safer products available.

How to Choose the Best Trace Mineral Supplement

So, how did we come up with our list?

First, we consulted with some of the top minerals experts around the world.

Next, we evaluated each of them on certain criteria.

Before buying a trace minerals product, you should consider certain the below key factors.


When buying any supplement, safety should be your top priority. Supplements lack the regulation and quality control of pharmaceuticals. Choose products that are manufactured by reputable companies and follow strict quality control measures. Check the internet for negative reviews, lawsuits, and any independent testing results.

Nutrient Type

Consider the form of trace minerals in the supplement. Plant-based trace minerals are more bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body compared to synthetic ones (minerals bound to something else like an amino acid). Use supplements that contain ionic or liquid forms of trace minerals for optimal absorption and thus the strongest effects.


Trace mineral supplements are available in various forms such as capsules, tablets, liquids, or powders. Pick the form that suits your preference, budget, and convenience. Liquids are the best absorbed. Followed by powders. Capsules, on the other hand, offer convenience for on-the-go consumption. For your convenience, Iā€™ve listed products that fall into each of these categories.


Of course, we care about the price of the product. But also take into account its effectiveness and quality. Cheaper options donā€™t always work as intended to provide health benefits. And/or they contain low-quality ingredients that sometimes do more harm than good. Or they lack rigorous safety testing. The products Iā€™ve included in this roundup of the best ionic trace minerals supplements strike a balance between affordability and quality.

Third-Party Testing

Third-party testing ensures that the purity, potency, and quality of a product is verified by an independent laboratory. This provides you with an extra layer of assurance that the supplement contains the stated ingredients in the correct amounts and no contaminants.

Third-party testing also helps to identify potential allergens or harmful substances like pathogens or heavy metals. Contaminated supplements usually do more damage than benefit. With most brands, you can access these test results either on their website or by requesting them via email.

Frequently Asked Questions About Trace Minerals

Before buying or using trace minerals products, youā€™ll want to know a few important details.

Why should I supplement trace minerals?

Due to soil depletion and increased mineral needs, modern humans can no longer get enough through diet alone. Trace mineral supplementation is the easiest and most effective way to fulfill your bodyā€™s mineral requirements.

Are plant-based minerals better than synthetic minerals?

Plant-based/ionic trace minerals are better than synthetic minerals because they are far more easily absorbed and assimilated into bodily tissues. Synthetic minerals are derived from rocks, shells, bones, and other materials and donā€™t provide the same benefits as the minerals naturally occurring within foods.

What are the health benefits of trace minerals?

The body and brain use trace minerals to power thousands of biochemical processes throughout the body. Theyā€™re involved in virtually every facet of health, from immunity, lifespan, athletic performance, cognition, wound healing, energy, hormone production, digestion, detoxification, and beyond.

Should I take trace minerals daily?

Virtually all trace mineral supplements are designed for daily usage. Thatā€™s what most health practitioners recommend. The scientific approach, however, is to use a trace minerals health test to best understand your deficiencies and then supplement accordingly.

Whatā€™s the best dosage for trace minerals supplements?

The best dosage of trace minerals depends on the supplement, the form (ionic, plant-based, or synthetic), and your current dietary pattern. Follow the instructions on the product label.

Choosing the Best Trace Minerals Supplements for Your Needs

Minerals are the unsung heroes of the human body and brain.

They fuel all the processes, pathways, and enzymatic reactions that power human biology. Want some examples?

  • Magnesium activates about 800 enzymatic pathways and 3150 proteins in the body
  • Iodine-deficient kids have an average IQ of 20 points lower
  • Silica manages calcium to help build bone and prevent osteoporosis
  • Copper aids bacterial defense, while zinc improves viral defense
  • Boron helps activate vitamin D

Like a light switch, vitamins donā€™t work without minerals.

Unlike some nutrients, we donā€™t manufacture our own essential minerals endogenously. We must get them from our diet. Minerals naturally come from soil, and plants absorb them as they grow. Or, animals absorb them by eating the plants.

Yet modern living has stripped our soil of life. Plants grow lacking minerals. Animals feed on mineral-devoid plants. Humans, whether carnivores, vegans, or omnivores, simply cannot get enough trace minerals anymore.

Itā€™s become the silent killerā€¦

Blood labs will only show problems after yearsā€”or decadesā€”of severe trace mineral deficiency.

To make matters worse, cooking, fortification by food manufacturers, and other parts of modern living exacerbate the delicate mineral imbalances. For example, driving calcium sky-high, while completely neglecting its functional opposites. Some of the many precise balances the body requires include:

  • Magnesium and calcium
  • Phosphorus and calcium
  • Potassium and sodium
  • Iodine and selenium
  • Iron and copper
  • Manganese and zinc
  • Zinc and copper

When those get disrupted, issues eventually arise. Unfortunately, those issues present in a myriad of ways. Due to their ubiquitous presence throughout the body, these imbalances cause virtually any symptom.

Itā€™s almost impossible to get therapeutically optimal levels of minerals especially trace minerals through diet. According to some experts, over 90% of the population is deficient in multiple minerals. These days, it makes sense to supplement.

But many trace minerals products donā€™t work as expected. Or they contain heavy metals, pathogenic microbes, or other toxic contaminants.

So in this post, I shared key details you must know about the best ionic and plant-based multi-mineral supplements. These are also the products I take on a daily basis.

What about you?

Go ahead and check some of these products out.

Drop a comment below and let me know which product youā€™re going to use or any questions you have!

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