
Summer Sun Safety – How to Protect your Skin and your Health

Summer Sun Safety - How to Protect your Skin and your Health

The Sun radiates light and heat which makes it possible for life to exist on Earth. Itā€™s 150 million km away and still manages to breathe life into our planet as we orbit around it. Without this giant star, the world would freeze, and humanity would be without food. It is the source of power that fuels the Earth but as powerful as it is, can also be just as detrimental. As much as it feels good to lay out on the beach and get a skin tan, exposing oneself to too much sunlight can pose many risks, including sunburn, scaly patches, premature aging, or even worse, skin cancer. Itā€™s important to practice Sun safety by getting the most out of its beneficial effects without doing any harm to oneself. In this article, we will talk about skin protection tips for the summer and supplements for healthy skin.

Vitamins for Healthy Skin

The skin is our first layer of protection and the first thing the Sun is exposed to when we go outside. The outer layer of the skinā€™s cells contain a pigment called melanin. This melanin acts like natural sun protection which helps to guard the skin from the sunā€™s ultraviolet rays. The amount of melanin your skin contains will determine how long you can withstand the heat before you begin to experience skin damage from sun exposure. Skin damage occurs when the ultraviolet rays cause burning, which can produce a nice tan, but also speeds up the signs of aging by damaging the fibers in your skin called elastin and collagen. This is how the sun damages your skin. This damage makes your skin sag and stretch, leaving you with early signs of wrinkles and sunspots.

The sun can also increase your risk of skin cancer. There are different types of skin cancers which include Melanoma, Basal cell carcinoma, Bowen disease and Squamous cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common and easiest to treat, while Melanoma is the least common and most difficult to manage. The types are identified by unique marks or patches on the skin, and one should contact their doctor immediately if they are constantly exposed to the sun and see any unusual changes to the skin overtime.Ā 

There are many things we can do including applying sunscreen regularly as well as taking vitamins good for your skin, giving it added protection while contributing to a healthy and youthful glow.

The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D, also coined the ā€œsunshine vitaminā€ is manufactured by the skin when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Vitamin D functions to keep the bones strong, boost immunity andĀ balance mood. It abundant in oily fish, liver, egg yolks and fortified beverages like cereals and orange juice.Ā 

Itā€™s an essential vitamin and is recommended that we get at least 10-20 minutes of Sunshine per day to absorb it. Talk to your doctor as times will vary depending on your level of sensitivity.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it protects the skin cells from damaging free radicals that are caused by UV exposure. It combats fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots, brightening the skin for a glowing complexion, addressing blemishes effectively. Noo-tropics provides a delicious chewable orange-flavored Vitamin C tablet, or you can opt for citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. Elderberries, yellow sweet peppers, parsley, and mustard spinach are also great sources.Ā 

Omega 3

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid with a plethora of functions. It is a great supplement for dry skin by acting like a lubricant of sorts. Hydrating skin internally combats dehydration effects, regulates oil production, and soothes inflamed or acne-prone skin for improved complexion. StudiesĀ have also shown that supplementation with Omega 3 great for helping to protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation.Ā Noo-tropics Ultra OmegaĀ provides a potent and premium blend of Omega 3 fats. Food sources include freshwater fish, nuts and seeds and avocados.Ā 

Hair and Skin Gummy Vitamin

These delicious gummyĀ vitaminsĀ offer the perfect balance of nutrients that help to beautify the skin andĀ  stimulate hair growth. Biotin boosts keratin production, accelerating follicle hair growth, while collagen enhances skin elasticity, slowing aging signs. These strawberry flavored gummyā€™s taste great and are a beneficial addition to your vitamin regimen.

Skin Protection Tips

As beneficial as the Sun is, it can also pose risks to skin and health due to ultraviolet exposure. radiation can cause DNA changes in the skin that can lead to premature aging and even skin cancer. Sun Screen and limited Sun exposure is the most effective way to protect oneself from harm.Ā  Invest in broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, applying it to your body every 2 hours for effective protection. Remember to apply sunscreen even on cloudy days, as UV rays can still penetrate and affect the skin. Discuss with your doctor the appropriate SPF, as sun sensitivity varies among individuals.

Staying hydrated with ample water keeps skin moist, reducing premature aging signs caused by unprotected sun exposure. A diet rich in berries, leafy greens, and nuts supplies essential nutrients for glowing, healthy skin by nourishing your cells.

All in all, Sun protection is vital. Not only for the integrity of the skin but for oneā€™s overall health and safety. Unprotected and prolonged exposure to the Sun can cause preventable problems. Using sunscreen, drinking water, eating well, and taking quality vitamins maintain skin and overall health while enjoying sunny days.

Also read our blog on Acetylcholine Supplements for Memory & Cognition (detailed guide)

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