
Vitamins to Improve Sense of Smell and Taste

Vitamins to Improve Sense of Smell and Taste

Our 5 senses give the world around us meaning. When our sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell, all come together unobstructed; we are able to function normally and enjoy the things in life we sometimes take for granted. Whether it be the sweet smell of freshly baked bread or the mouth-watering taste of your favourite dish, our sense of smell and taste make all the difference. If our sense of smell begins to diminish however, our sense of taste is not too far behind. This is because the olfactory area in the nose controls both our taste and smell, so if one sense is affected, so is the other. Vitamins to Improve Sense of Smell and Taste are essential for maintaining optimal olfactory and gustatory function.

There are many reasons why one can lose their sense of taste and smell. Factors include aging, head injury, infection, cancer treatment, smoking, medication and most importantly, nutrient deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies, in particular Zinc, Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D, all play a key role in helping us maintain our sense of taste and smell. In this article, we will discuss these vitamins for smell and taste and also go over some tips on how we can train these senses for an enhanced experience.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 functions to maintain healthy red blood cells, nerve cells and is even involved in the making of DNA.  Deficiency has been linked to anaemia, disturbed vision and loss of smell. In a study published by the National Library of Medicine, it was concluded that olfactory dysfunction was present in individuals who had a vitamin B12 deficiency. Adult male and females should be getting at least 4-5 mcg of B12 a day. Food sources include meat, fortified breakfast bars and cereals, clams, tuna and trout.


Zinc has widely treated conditions like acne, fought infection, accelerated wound healing, and boosted the immune system. People commonly overlook Zinc’s significant role in taste bud function and cell membrane maintenance. Deficiency has been linked to loss of taste.

Women need roughly 8mg while men need about 13mg of zinc a day. Food sources include red meats, seafood, seeds and poultry.

Vitamin D

Studies have shown a link between vitamin D supplementation and improving or restoring oneā€™s sense of smell. Vitamin D deficiency is common, especially in countries with colder climates and less sunlight. Itā€™s vital importance in bone health isnā€™t all this Sunshine vitamin is good for, it also plays an important role in the human olfactory system and proper intake, keeps our sense of smell strong. Adults should get at least 15 mcg of vitamin D a day via supplementation, or in foods like meats, fortified cereals and orange juice, lentils and soy products.

Tips to Improve your Sense of Smell and Taste

Smell More

We all know that the more you use something, the better you get at using it. Try smelling a variety of things, from perfumes to flowers to food and freshly cut grass. Be aware of what youā€™re smelling and it will help improve this sense.

Stop Smoking

Studies have shown that smoking can damage your sense of taste and smell overtime. Cutting back or completely stopping, can improve these senses. 

Inhale and Move Food Around

When chewing your food, draw a small amount of air into your mouth to increase the rate at which the aromas go into your nasal cavity. Another trick is that as you chew, move the food around your mouth to help stimulate your taste buds. Food dissolves faster, releasing strong aromas for the olfactory senses to process quickly, enhancing the tasting experience.

Be Adventurous

Challenge yourself to try new foods! Be adventurous at restaurants, try diverse cuisines, new veggies, and unique smoothie blends to broaden your culinary experiences. Exposing your taste buds to unfamiliar things, allows for a wider palette and a keener sense of taste.  All in all, our sense of taste and smell work hand in hand. The olfactory nerve area controls both functions, so one cannot function without the other. Consider testing for vitamin deficiency as vitamins maintain health and our senses. Revitalize by ensuring adequate vitamin intake for optimal health.

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